SME Outlook survey – your expectations for the next 12 months

We are now a full year into the Covid-19 pandemic and it has impacted us all – personally and professionally – in so many ways. We will be feeling the effects for many years to come.

With the latest announcements from Rishi Sunak in terms of support and other measures for businesses and individuals, now is a good time to ask SMEs how they are faring and to understand their outlook for the future.

We would therefore like to invite you to take part in our short survey which we are conducting in collaboration with other member firms of the UK200Group, the UK's leading professional organisation of chartered accountants and law firms. This means we will be able to capture feedback from across the UK.

Please take a moment to participate in the survey.

The results will be used to develop support for SMEs and will be shared with the government and other organisations to flag key issues and try to influence support measures for SMEs.

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