Knill James receives Wellbeing at Work Bronze Award

We are delighted to announce that we have achieved Business in Sussex's Wellbeing at Work Bronze Award, following on from our Commitment Award at the end of last year.

As part of the Award we looked at how best to use all existing forms of communication within the firm to engage with the team about wellbeing and promote all their initiatives. There are now wellbeing topics discussed at the firm's quarterly meetings, wellbeing pages on the intranet with useful links, plus regular updates on initiatives in the staff newsletter.

Most of our team sit at desks all day, so there has been a particular focus on musculoskeletal health, with an in-house Pilates session and a flow chart developed for reporting and addressing musculoskeletal symptoms.

Nick Rawson, Joint Managing Partner, commented'The whole process has been a very positive experience which has helped us to focus and create a framework for all our wellbeing activities. The support we've received from the WAW team has been invaluable and we're looking forward to carrying on with the journey.'

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